This week-end we decided to go to Pichelemu, which is about 200km away from Santiago. Pichilemu is a beach town, known for its good vibes and its nice people. The center of Pichilemu is pretty exotic, there aren't real street with concrete but the road are just made out of sand. The houses all look alike, colorful frontage with nice little garden. As pretty much everywhere in Chile, streets dogs are everywhere and as soon as they see you, they start following for a little while. You can only be happy in this safe heaven.
Friday October 6, we took the bus from Santiago at 7am and arrived in Pichilemu around 10.30am. For the week-end we booked a hostel called Hostal cuncumén which is located about 10 minutes walking from the beach. The house is organized around a nice garden decorated with chairs, couches and a wood hot tub. The owners are two couples of friends who decided to leave the crowded Santiago for the calm of Pichilemu. After having a little conversation with the hosts we took a collectivo (shared cab) direction Punta de Lobos.
Punta de Lobos is 15 minutes away driving from Pichilemu and it's welcoming, this week-end the women's pro surf competition. When we arrive at the competition we sit on the edge of the cliff and we have a perfect view of the ocean and the surfers who are trying to dance with the waves. For two hours we watch the surfers and apparently the waves aren't that good so unfortunately they don't have many chances to show what they can do. Good for us, many sellers are walking around with all kind of stuff and we decide to buy this yummy "strawberry cover in chocolate on a stick" which keeps us busy for a while ! After getting burned all over our faces, it's about time to go back to Pichilemu. We used our last pesos for the snacks so we decide to hitchhike. After maybe 5 minutes trying, this nice couple takes us and in 10 minutes we're back in the center of Pichilemu. Both hungry we sit at the table of a nice little restaurant and order an empanada and a chorillana, both typical Chileans food. A empanada is basically a warm crunchy bread stuffed with whatever you want and a chorillana is French fries covers with onions, different kind of meats and a egg ! So as you can imagine, all of that is really healthy. After eating like baby pigs, it is time to go back to the hostel.
Pretty exhausted by the day, we decide to make our diner and to head into our room. Used to the perpetual noise of Santiago, it doesn't take me long to fall into Morpheus arms.
Saturday October 7, today after we woke up we had the chance to have the most delicious breakfast/brunch ever: omelet, bread with marmelade or dulce de leche (chilean caramel), crepes, tea, smoothie, tomates with mozzarella, ... No I wasn't joking about the delicious breakfast 😉. After we finished eating, we went to get ready and then we left the hostel to go the beach. The weather is not as sunny as yesterday but that is good for our red faces I guess.
Walking down the beach we run into a sort of stable with maybe 50 horses and we decide to ask to ride them. After the three of us, a monitor is with us, got on the horses it is time for a little ride. Our monitor, Angel absolutely wants to make us cross the part where the ocean gets into the bay, with the horses. Feeling pretty confidant we are thinking that he knows what he is doing so we say that "sure why not". After maybe a minute in the water, the waves being way to strong the horses starts to freak out and the cowboy decide to get us back on the land, thank god. After this scary moment, we have a peaceful ride around the bay.
After our Lucky Luke moment, we saw many surfers, obviously beginners, in the water and decided to try as well. It is pretty easy to find equipment, as practically 1 store out of 2 on the shore is a surfing related store. For 8000 pesos we have our board and wetsuit and it's time to jump into the water.
Surfing isn't easy but how can you not be happy when you are in the Pacific ocean on the west coast of Chile and all you have to worry about is are you or not going to catch the wave ? During the surf session many Chileans in the water are giving us advices and we are getting better and better as the time goes by. At some point I can't feel my arms anymore and it is definitely time to stop trying. After giving back the equipment we are getting back "home" and make diner.
Sunday October 8, today is a really relax day. We hang out on the beach with friends while watching the surf competition. Nothing crazy exiting but actually really much needed.
Pichilemu is definitely a great way to escape the city craziness for the week-end.