Carnet de voyage

My Aussie Travel Dream

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Place à l'aventure en contrée très très lointaine, à la découverte d'une culture différente, d'un continent aussi immense qu'accueillant, aussi beau qu'hostile : l'Australie !
Janvier 2017
40 semaines
Partager ce carnet de voyage
Publié le 25 janvier 2017

Les premiers pas sur le sol Australien !

Après de longues heures de vol, la sortie tant espérée de l'avion...

Soleil, chaleur, humidité, ça y est je suis bien arrivée en Australie. Découverte rapide de Cairns lors d'une petite ballade en fin d'après-midi... idéal pour se dégourdir les jambes après 24h de vol ! Pour bien finir la journée, petite session cooking avec Douglas, avec la préparation d'une délicieuse salade grecque (beaucoup mieux que les repas peu savoureux dans l'avion ! )

Publié le 25 janvier 2017

Après une journée lazy, petite ballade improvisée à Cairns. La vie nocturne sur le bord de mer est très animée avec de nombreux restaurants, des barbecues gratuits, des musiciens, quelques esplanades aménagées pour jouer au volley ou faire du skate, et enfin la magnifique piscine à débordement, en plein centre ville et face à la mer : "The Cairns Esplanade Swimming Lagoon".


Aujourd’hui, petit saut dans le temps avec la visite de la ville historique Yungaburra sous un soleil de plomb. On se croirait comme projeté dans une autre époque avec ce très beau patrimoine des années 1900.

Publié le 30 janvier 2017

Aujourd'hui petite découverte de la ville dans laquelle je vais être installée pour plusieurs mois ! Je ne vais pas faire beaucoup de blabla...les images parlent d'elles-mêmes ! Océan, montagnes, grands espaces verts... n'hésitez pas à me rejoindre 😉

(PS : encore mille merci les amis pour l'appareil photo car vraiment, il est trop TOP !!)

Publié le 19 février 2017

Le temps d'une journée, petite escapade au lac Barrine ! Ce lac d'eau douce s'est formé il y a 17 000 ans lors d'une éruption volcanique créant un cratère qui s'est rempli d'eau jusqu'à créer un lac.


Le périple a débuté sur la « Captain Cook Highway », une route mythique du Queensland longue de 75km au départ de Cainrs. En plus d'être un lien vital entre deux sites touristiques, la Captain Cook Highway est une route panoramique qui serpente le long de la côte, entre la forêt tropicale et le bord de mer. Premier arrêt pour admirer de superbes piles de roche, construites au fur et à mesure par les gens de passage sur la Captain Cook Highway. Occasion pour moi de poser une pierre supplémentaire et faire un vœu comme le veut la tradition. Nous continuons ensuite notre chemin, et nous arrêtons au Rex Point Lookout à 40km au nord de Cairns, pour un point de vue à couper le souffle sur la plage et l’océan. L’aventure continue vers la Daintree Forest et son Parc National. La région de Daintree offre non seulement la plus ancienne forêt tropicale sur terre, mais aussi la plus écologique, ce qui en fait un endroit vraiment remarquable. L’écosystème de cette forêt est fabuleusement riche, avec notamment la piscine sacrée et naturelle de Kaba Gada que j’ai eu la chance de découvrir (la chance de voyager avec des locaux qui connaissent les endroits cachés). Celle-ci est non répertoriée sur les cartes afin d’y conserver toute sa splendeur. Ce lieu est un des plus beaux que j’ai pu voir jusqu’à présent, et offre une piscine, aussi belle que mystique avec son bleu profond. Traditionnellement, ce site est réservé aux femmes aborigènes, ce qui signifie qu’elles seules sont autorisées à pénétrer dans ces eaux sacrées. Cela est dû à leur croyance que les eaux détiennent des pouvoirs de guérison spéciaux, notamment pour les nouveaux nés et les malades. Puis nous reprenons chemin et profitons du 4*4 pour parcourir la forêt tropicale, traverser la Daintree River, admirer des vues panoramiques à couper le souffle, pour finir dans la région d’Wujal Wujal occupée par une communauté aborigène. Nous y découvrons une très belle cascade en plein cœur d’un lieu verdoyant. Retour à la voiture…déjà 200 km de parcouru ! Sur le chemin de retour, nous passons par différents spots incontournables. J’y découvre un point de vue spectaculaire où la Daintree Forest rencontre la Grande Barrière de Corail. Nous continuons vers la ville de Port Douglas et ses magnifiques plages, et clôturons le périple sur une note typiquement australienne : la rencontre avec les wallaby !

Les célèbre piles de roche de la Captain Cook Highway
Point de vue panoramique Rex Lookout
 Point de vue panoramique en plein coeur de la Daintree Forest
La piscine sacrée et naturelle de Kaba Gada 
Daintree Forest and Cooper Creek 
Région de Wujal Wujal avec la rivière Bloofield et sa cascade
Quand la Daintree Forest rencontre la Grande Barrière de Corail ... 
Kulki Beach 
Point de vue panoramique à Port Douglas 
Les Wallaby
Publié le 25 février 2017

Samedi matin... réveil à 5h30 pour partir à la fraîche faire un mix "randonnée - course à pied" à Behana Gorge (occasion pour admirer un beau lever de soleil) ! Ce parc naturel, situé en plein coeur de la RainForest, nous offre de magnifique cascades d'eau grâce à la rivière Behana qui le traverse ! Cette pittoresque rivière est d'ailleurs l'une des sources d'approvisionnement en eau de la ville de Cairns. Une chance d'être avec Courtney, car Behana Gorge est l'un des secrets les mieux gardés de Cairns, et est rarement visité par les touristes. Pour clôturer cette escapade sportive, nous avons pu admirer un superbe arc en ciel ... Dame Nature a encore été généreuse aujourd'hui !!!


My feeling : So exciting to begin this adventure but also quite afraid. It’s the first time I have travelled alone. When I found out that I had two weeks holidays (a big thank you to my lovely Aussie Family), I decided to do all the East Coast and booked the bus from Cairns to Sydney. The trip included all accomodations and two differents tours : 2 days/2 nights on a boat to discover the Whitsundays, and 3 days/2 nights to explore Fraser Island with a 4X4 car.

Two worries : First the weather because currently it’s the raining season. Secondly, I don’t know how this will happen, how to meet people, and precisely what I am going to do and discover each day… Let’s go on the adventure !

Let's go ! I took the bus in Cairns at 7.30 and spent 10 hours on the bus to reach Airlie Beach. Arriving there at 5.30 pm, I met Maike, a German girl (the beginning of a lovely story 😉 ). We realized that we booked the same guesthouse and went there together.

The accomodation : Base Backpackers Airlie Beach

My first feeling : I realised very quickly how it’s easy to meet new people. Everyone is very open. Maybe 80% of the backpackers travel alone, and all want to spend time with others. I spent the night in a pub, with Maike and two others girls from Germany and Switzerland. So interesting to discover the story of each backpacker, why they decided to come to Australia, what they have done in here, and what they are going to do after.

Night in the pub 

What about Airlie Beach : Airlie Beach is a very popular tourist destination, especially with backpackers. I went there because it’s the closest port from which to access the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. The city is full of backpackers, hostels, backpacker-friendly bars, so really nice to meet people and party with them.

Chilling and relaxing in the lagoon : After having breakfast, we walked around and decided to stop at the lagoon (it's not recommanded to swim in the sea because of the jellyfishs and sharks). Finally we were a group of six backpackers (German girl, Canadian guy, Switzeland girl, Austria girl, English girl and me). So crazy how it’s so easy to spend time with people you didn’t know few minutes ago !

So lucky we were to see a big turtle who were just swimming close from us on the beach !  

Inspiring Sunset : At the end of the day we went to Marina Shores to see the sunset with drinks. Sunset time is so peacefull and inspiring that this was the perfect moment to speak about life, what we are, what we expect in our life… a good moment that finished in the same pub we went the day before.


Time to leave Airlie Beach. I discovered this morning the biggest frustration of each backpacker ! I experienced how it’s hard to leave a place where you met people, spending a lot of time with them, to go in other direction from each other, where you don’t know anybody. Quite sad, but also really exciting to begin my trip on Whitsundays.

What about this sailing adventure : I booked a trip about 2 days / 2 nights on a boat called Tongarra to snorkel, sail, swim and explore the Whitsunday Islands ! A trip with what Aussie would say as "roughing it", living conditions : First there are no bedrooms inside, so this meant we got to sleep under the stars ! I slept on the deck of the boat in the middle of the Whitsundays. Secondly : you have to come on the boat with only the bare necessities in a small bag (i.e. suncream, sunglasses, towel, bikini and some toiletries). Thirdly, no shower on the boat, so we got to bath in the ocean and her beautiful landscape 😉

What about the Whitsunday Islands : This is a collection of 74 breathtaking islands surrounded by fringing coral reef. The majority of the Whitsunday are uninhabited National Park.

Let's go : I went to the Marina in the middle of the afternoon, and discovered the 22 backpackers who will enjoy the sailing adventure with me. Waiting for the crew, we began to speak all together… the starter point of a wonderful experience ! I was very blessed to be in the company of many backpackers that were from many different places (none from France) ! My goal in Australia is to speak English only, so this was amazing and challenging !

The catamaran Tongarra

On the boat : We began the sailing adventure on what was a cloudy and overcast day but this didn't remove the beauty of the landcapes ! Over three hours, we discovered beautiful virgin and uninhabited islands. At 6 o'clock we took our first drink with snacks, getting to know each other better and speaking about our adventures all whilst chillin' and laughing at the same time.

At the end of the afternoon, we stopped at a wonderful spot to watch this magical and most breathtaking sunset ! One of the best I have ever seen (#nofilter 😉). So lucky we are got to see this but also share this moment with new friends. Then we enjoyed a fish barbecue on the deck of the katamaran with fresh salads.

Gaming time : After the barbecue dinner, we had a lot of fun talking with the crew and playing a game that made us answer questions "all about us"., such as name, nationality, preferred colour, preferred cartoon, preferred superhero to see if we prefer good or bad guy, and finally the funny things we do after sex. Each backpackers had to answer, and to my delight (or not^^) I was among the first to answer, so not much time to think. So my answers were : Hélène, French, Blue, Pocahontas, Batman, and for the last answer I had to think quickly about a stupid and funny answer and said "Eating a fresh baguette with salted butter" --> lot of laugh "yeah guys I am French !!! 😉

After drinking, and a bit more drinking, we took a sheet and a pillow to sleep under the stars. What a wonderful experience, rocked to sleep by only the waves, not a noise, just a little wind to refresh, and the stars as a blanket... One of the best nights I have had since I have been in Australia !


A wonderful wake up ! Six o'clock, I begin to open my eyes with the light of the sun rising over the ocean, it was AMAZING!!! I would love to wake up every morning like this !

Marvelous snorkelling : After the breakfast on the deck (fruits, cereals, toasts, tea...), we took off and went to differents spots of snokelling with the catamaran. Unfortunately, I don't have a Gopro and can't show you what I saw ... I had the chance to see beautiful fishes, but above all so lucky I was swimming with a big turtle that was about 1 meter ! A magic moment I will never forget !

Mother Nature did a good job : After a lunch on the deck with salad wraps, we reached the White Haven Beach. This beach has the whitest and most pure silca sand, the photos just do not do it justice! We did a little walk and discovered unreal landscapes, almost close to perfection. No enough words to describe how beautiful, amazing and spectacular this beauty of a beach is !

The Wahoo Effect 😉 :

Then we came back on the boat to relax, and enjoyed the sun on the deck ! If life could just be like this... I spoke a good part of the afternoon with a Canadian girl who practise yoga and we had a very inspirational conversation... it was the perfect afternoon !

The Gold Sunset : At 5.30 pm, we enjoyed a beautiful sunset ! It was really different than the day before but really spectacular. The sun pierced the cloud with a gold colour. A beautiful show I will never forget.


Last moments on the boat : We woke up with a beautiful sunset, yet again. We spent all the morning on the deck, enjoying the last moments on the boat ! We were thinking about all marvelous moments we shared all together.

During this trip, I felt like I was in a different world. I was totally disconnected from reality. It was a tropical paradise, filled with snorkelling and adventures, marvelous indeed ! When you are under the water, you feel free, connected to the magnificant nature with coloured corals, fishes, and turtles... We admired the wonderful sunset and sunrises ! Thank you a lot to Mother Nature for your beauty !

The goodbyes : Once again, I had to say bye bye to my new friends. So hard to leave people which whom you have enjoyed such strong moments with. I went back to the guesthouse only for few hours, then to the bus stop to take an overnight bus. I was so happy to see Maike in Airlie Beach (the German girl I saw the first day), waiting for the bus too. I would be lying if I said this drive was a good one ! I hated this bus, the night, the driver ... It was impossible to sleep all night !


Arrival at the GuestHouse : 14 hours on the bus to reach Rainbow Beach ! We discovered a nice Guesthouse, with air conditioning and good bathrooms. Maike and I joined two Canadian girls for brekkie, and decided to discover the destination, despite the lack of sleep.

Our Guesthouse : Pippies Beachhouse 

A lazy day : There is not a lot to see in Rainbow Beach. Our accomodation is booked here for the proximity to World Heritage listed Fraser Island (the 3 days tour we are going to do the day after). At least, I can say the Australian beaches are not crowded like at home ! After enjoying the sun on the beach, we came back at the guesthouse. We spent the afternoon on a hammock waiting for 4 pm when we would find out about our trip to Fraser ! We were told that we would need to buy our alcohol before we left Frazer as it's very expensive on the island. "They said bring more alcohol than you think you can drink". The tone is given for the next 3 days... 😉


What about the Tour : I booked Camping Safari with a 4x4 car, for a 3 days and 2 nights. This tour comprised 4 cars with up to 8 passengers in each car. The lead vehicle is driven by a guide who show us the way around the island.

What about the World Heritage Fraser Island : This is the largest sand island in the world and the only place on the planet where rainforest grows on sand. This area constitute one of the most incredible islands on earth.

The team : At 7 o'clock we had to decide who we would spend the next 3 days with in our cars... I was european team. There were people from England, Germany, and France ! Once again, I was so happy to be able to speak only English in the car !

Departure from Pippies Beachhouse ! We have to drive to the coast, then take a boat across the sea, in order to reach Fraser Island. Once again, I was so lucky with the weather ! We have had a beautiful sunshine, which is perfect to discover the island !

Drive, fun, laughts, and music ! Arrival on Fraser Island, let this crazy adventure begin ! What a pleasure to drive on the sand, so close to the sea ! It was truly liberating to drive on the sand for 2 hours. In the car we had fun, laughts, and music. The "don't drink and drive " was not relevant here... 😉

The historic heart of Fraser Island. We stopped at Central Station on Wanggoolba Creek. Wanggoolba Creek was a traditional birthing place for aboriginal women where men were excluded. We explored carefully this mistica place which revealed a translucent river, surrounded by the green tropical rainforest. After this excursion, everyone was hungry. We enjoyed this beautiful landscape to have our lunch.

Fifty shades of Blue : After the lunch, we drove until we reached Lake McKenzie ! Once again, the "wow" effect !! The awe-inspiring beauty of Lake McKenzie makes it the most visited natural site on the island ! The sand here is so pure. This is not only beautiful to look at but feels beautifully soft to walk on. The sand acts as a filter, giving the water its clarity and helping to make the water so pure. The blues and greens of the lake are endlessly fascinating ! This is certainly one of the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen !

Before leaving, we took a picture with allof the group ! We are so lucky to be here !

After this wonderful day, it was time to go to our camp ! We drove along the beach for an other hour, and reached the camp at the end of afternoon. We discovered a nice camp with tents of two persons, a nice open living room with an outdoor kitchen.

Barbecue, fun, and crazy night ! This amazing day finished with a crazy party ! We shared a barbecue, salads, games, and drinks ! I discovered the famous backpacker wine called goon (only 12 dollars for 4.5L). On the box we can read : "Produced with the aid of milk, egg, nut, and fish products and traces may remain. Sugar added." No comments ^^


Discovering SS Maheno. After a long night, it was hard to wake up. We had brekkie, and went directly to see the ship SS Maheno, stranded on the beach. It was an ocean liner that operated in the Tasman Sea, crossing between New Zealand and Australia, from 1905 until 1935. The ship was washed ashore on Fraser Island by a cyclone in 1935 and is now as a popular tourist attraction on Fraser.

On the road again !! 
SS Maheno Ship 

Freezing in Eli Creek: After that, we went to Eli Creek. It was time to swim. We left all our stuff in the car, but took few big rings to play in the creek with. We discovered a beautiful green and translucent Creek. Eli Creek is the largest creek on the eastern beach of Fraser Island. We got a surprise when we went to swim in the water was SO COLD !! It was very entertaining watching the faces of everyone entering in the water. LOL !!! We played all morning there and enjoying the fresh water and the beautiful sun.

Playing time in Eli Creek 
The beautiful and frozen Eli Creek 

Enjoing the beach : After one hour playing in the Creek, Maike and I decided to enjoy the beach. And let me introduce our guide (who is playing frisbee below), a typical Australian guy so funny ! A lot of fun in the cars with the CB Radios. The four cars were all equiped with this to allow us to speak and share some information during our drives... a lot of fun and jokes with the CB Radio (above all with the two crazy guys in our cars 😉 ) !

Playing with Maike ! Miss her already !  
Our funny guide for the 3 days trip on Fraser Island !  

Oh sh** it's my turn ! I must confess that I was not very excited to drive the car ! Without Josh and Rhys, the two boys in our car, I would never drive it but they pushed me to do it. I was quite afraid to drive in the water and on the sand, but after a while it was a really nice experience I will never regret ! We went back to the camp to cook the lunch with a little rain that disappeared after the lunch.

A jump in the Champagne Pools ! After the lunch we went to Champagne Pool, an another major attraction on Fraser. Why this name ? The rocks form a barrier for the ocean waters crashing in, creating shallow ocean pools or as we like to call it, natural Jacuzzis. We were impressed by the beauty of the landscape. The pictures speak for themselves...

Champagne Pools 
Champagne Pools 

On the top of the hill to see sharks. After that, we went to a nice spot on the top of the hill to see sharks (a famous spot on the Island to see them), but unfortunately they didn't show their faces !

On the top of the hill to the the sharks ! 
Panoramic view on the top of the hill 

Traditional aboriginal dance ! At the end of the afternoon, we went back to the camp to eat, drink and party, some more. We had the chance to see a Traditional Aboriginal show at the Camp, from 4 aboriginal dancers. It was a cultural experience like no other ! :-D

The Aboriginal Dance 

How is it the last day already ! I cant' believe it ! We packed our stuff, had brekkie, and cleaned up the camp, ready to go !

In the Great Sandy National Park to see Lake Wabby : Arriving on the beach, we had to walk one hour to see this emerald green lake. Before discovering it, we crossed lots of sand, it was like a mini Sahara Desert ! It was surprising to see this here.

What about the Lake Wabby : It's the deepest of Fraser Island’s Lakes and the ultimate spot for a swim! We enjoyed a lot our swim there, all together for the last time.

After one hour drive, our guide gave us some information, and had to walk one hour the reach Lake Wabby 
We crossed a big sand area which looks like a mini Sahara Desert !  
After one hour walk, we discovered this wonderful emerald green lake that sits within its very own sand dune ! 

Last time all together ! It was one of the most craziest and funniest experience I have ever had ! We shared so many good times and laughs together ...! Unfortunately it was time to say goodbye !

Last picture of our legend team !

The goodbyes : Once again, everyone took a new path and we separated with this picture. Thankfully, Maike was also travelling to Noosa, as was I ! I was so happy to spend more time with her !


Arriving in Noosa : Maike and I took the bus, from Rainbow Beach at 7.40 am and arrived at Noosa at 10.10 am. We didn't book in the same guesthouse, so we had to go our own ways. I went to my guesthouse alone and discovered a very nice place. I was very happy with the location because Halse Lodge is the closest Noosa backpackers to the Beach. I met Abigail, a really nice English girl who arrived the same day, and was staying in Halse Lodge.

Halse Lodge 

What about Noosa : Noosa is a world-famous surfing destination, known for its expansive beaches and colourful bays. The destination is also really famous for hiking across Noosa National Park's cliffs and forests. The town is located within the Noosa Biosphere Reserve, a Unesco-recognised area famous for its highly diverse ecosystem.

Let's discover the destination. I suggested to Maike and Abigail to do a walk all together around the coast and the Rainforest. This was a good idea,even though we were tired. We all enjoyed a really nice sunny day, exploring together. We walked 10 km and discovered very nice spots, beaches, with amazing panoramic views ! A really nice afternoon all together ! the next day it was raining, "no it was pouring" ! Lots and lots and lots of rain ! So we did not explore on this day !

La team Noosa : My lovely Maike from Germany (in the middle), Abigail from England (on the left) and me.

Walking on the Beach

Attention with jellyfish ! 

The National Park : After discovering the beaches, we walked on the National Park. It was cooler and more refreshing in here. We felt like we were in the jungle. As we were totally alone in the Rainforest, this experience was really nice to enjoy the nature, and disconnect from the world.

Meeting new backpackers : After this long day of walking, we went back to Halse Lodge for a FREE drink at 6pm with all the new backpackers ! A really nice initiative from the guesthouse where we could meet to new people and share our experiences in Australia. We spent all night mingling with new people from all over the world ! A really nice night sharing pizzas and beers.


Rain, rain, ... and more rain ! saw me find the comfort of a French Bakery ! It would have been too good to have no rain during the entire stay ! When it's raining, the best thing we can enjoy it's food and restaurants ! When we saw the French Bakery I was so excited to enjoy a french breakfast with fresh baguette and pastry ! It was so delicious it was !

8 dollars for the baguette ! For the little story, the day before I saw a bakery and asked the price for the baguette : 8 dollars... The has to be a joke ! It's only water with flour ?!!. Of course I didn't take it, so I was happy this morning to have a cheaper baguette that was "only" 4 dollars !

As I tell you about the food, I have put the pictures about the brekkie, Abigail and I had the day after ! The best banana bread ever, along with passion fruit butter (yummy !!!) and strawberries !

Games night ! At the end of the day, that we had seen the night before ! we spoke and then, we decided to play cards ! A nice way to finish this journey in Noosa !


My first bad feeling ! I arrived to Byron Bay at the end of the day... Quite sad really, as I spent all day on the bus, thinking about all the wonderful moments I had until now. Once again, I arrived in a destination where I didn't know anybody... it's exciting to meet new people, but I feel frustrated, everytime I have met during the trip... Most of all Maike, who I had to say goodbye to that morning.

I went to my room, and just wanted go to bed, but decided to go downstairs to use the wifi for a little while !

The magic of guesthouse ! I experienced again the magic of the guesthouse ! After only few minutes on the couch, I was already speaking with a lot of backpackers, drinking beers and having a good time. After an hour, I was in a car with 2 aussie guys and 3 backpackers girls I met in the guesthouse ! We went to a dancing bar, then a bar, then again the same dancing bar, and finally the beach ! On arriving in Byron Bay, I was far from thinking of spending such an evening like this !

Publié le 25 mars 2017

Exploring Byron Bay ! Despite it been hard to wake up (after a big night), I decided to walk all around the coast of Byron Bay. I explored all morning beautiful landscapes, beaches and panoramic views !

After 2 hours walking, I stopped at the lighthouse and met Rossella, an Italian girl who was also discovering Byron Bay. After only some words, we decided to continue exploring together ! It's amazing to see how we can quiclky have new travel companions ! We enjoyed all afternoon together and then came back to the Guesthouse where I introduced her to my new friends I met the day before. We enjoyed the night all together, drinking beers on the beach first, and then back to the guesthouse.

Lighthouse, and beautiful panoramic view 
Discovering a nice ecluse next to the beach 

The funny last party 😉

Enjoying the last night in Byron Bay with Rossella (Italy), Megan (from Netherlands), Julie (Belgium), Laura (Spain)

Last moments in Byron Bay ! Before leaving, I went to the beach for another walk ! I had to enjoy the landcapes and the surfers for one last time, as you can't see surfers in Cairns 😉

La Team Byron Bay ! Before leaving, I was really happy to spend time with the girls I had met during my journey in Byron Bay ! We formed a really nice group that I will never forget ! I hope we will see each other another time in Australia or even Europe when I come home !

The same day I took a overnight bus to reach Sydney. I arrived there the day after in the mornind and I went to the airport to take a plane and come back in Cairns... However there was not enough time to visit Sydney... I will visit Sydney for sure an other time !

Publié le 25 mars 2017

This was one of the best experiences in all of my life : there were crazy moments, lots of fun and laughter, plenty of exploration and discovering of amazing landscapes. I got to snorkel, sleep on a boat for two nights, and safari on the beach with a 4X4 car... More new discoveries everyday, this adventure was a true social and emotinal experience ! I met marvelous people all along the way. I truly got to know who I am and what I like from this experience. Out of all the people I met, almost all travel alone... we lived and shared the journey together, like new friends becoming a family for justa few short days each time. I experienced excitement but also sadness everytime I had to leave a place where you had met people, and go in another direction to where you know nobody !

Definitely, travelling alone is completely incredible ! As a solo traveller, it is also a chance to learn about yourself, who you are and what you want from life ! It exposed me to a lot of new experience outside my comfort zone... so essential for growth. I came back home completely refreshed and more excited about life more than ever !


Camping is the classic Australian experience and I was lucky to be part of the trip with my Aussie Family ! A wonderful Easter week-end during 4 days in the National Park “Princess Hills”, that is about a little bit more than 4 hours from Cairns. Let’s start the trip in the Australian “bush” with adventures, and for sure good times and memories !

We arrived around 11am, and set up camp on the banks of the Herbert River. I discovered the “Glamping”, a new word for a new kind of travel, defined as glamorous camping. Glamping is a way to experience the great outdoors without the "uncomfortable" negatives… what I called the “5 stars camping” ! It was great to share time with my Aussie Family and meet others Aussie campers ! Everyday the happy hour began at 4.30 pm, a great time around the fire to share stories and memories !

The first day, we enjoyed the beautiful Aussie bush with a walk, discovering nice trees, and flowers. Princess Hills certaintly show cased herself with its towering cliffs and dry, rugged ridges filled with plant and animal life.

The second day, we experienced the river in the kayaks to explore the beautiful Herbert River. I didn’t take a lot of pictures but so many good memories, above all when we fell in the water with Courtney, because of the strong current ! That’s part of the adventure ;-)

The third day, we walked during more than 3 hours to discover the spectacular Herbert River, plunges over a rockface to form Herbert River Falls, just on the edge of the park. An amazing natural wonder, where we admired pretty waterfalls and spectacular water-sculpted rocks.

Sitting around a camp fire is an enjoyable part of the camping experience, and it’s as well a wonderful opportunity to cook over this open campfire . I discovered a new way of cooking ! More than a Glamping, this week-end was gastronomic delish !!

The vanilla cake 
The Banana Bread 
The Lobster s
The fish 
My Paleo Big Cookie 

During 4 days, we went to Woodleigh Station, far enough off the beaten track to fully experience Aussie country life. A wonderful new week-end adventure with sun, river, camping, races, fashion, fishing, activities and fun !

"Life is better camping"
A lovely peaceful environment !  
Paddle & Kawak 
The bush TV 😉
Wake up with smoke on the river...  It was hot during the day (around 28°) and cool during the night dropping to 7 degrees !

On Saturday we ventured up to the Mount Garnet Races. The races were a great day out ! So proud of Courtney who was on stage for the Miss Competition. We enjoyed a lot the day, and the event.

After the racing and the fashion was over, we went back to camp to continue our activities, closely followed by a few cold drinks around the fire.