The Homecoming season is a special time during the school year, in which the students have fun during a week. This Homecoming season comprise a spirit week, a pep rally, a football game, a homecoming dance and usually funny activities during all the week.
The spirit week is really different from the others. Everyday there is a theme in which we have to dress up.
Ours themes were "Senior Citizens" for the Monday, Tuesday was "Twins Days", Wednesday "Under the sea" and for the Thursday it was "Rock Stars and Groupies".
The last day of the week was special, we were celebrating Halloween, and all seniors had to find a costume; I choose to be Mickey Mouse. We just had school the morning because at the afternoon a lot of activities were organized! I even helped some seniors to scared some kids in a haunted house, it was really funny!
And the night there was a football game organized, it was the Homecoming football game because it was the last one which was played at home; at Porter Gaud.